Monday, March 23, 2015

Degreenifying plans for 2015


Restarting this travel diary after over three months' neglect's my rough travel outline for the year, written in beach sand. I expect changes.

  • Hang gliding in New Hampshire, at least two weeks. I will be tent camping, channeling my father's Depression Era cheapskate approach to recreation.
  • Cross country drive with Tess, Sean, and Cocoa in early June. This will likely be the most fun per resource unit I will have all year! Itinerary is theirs to control, I'm just along as #2 driver and supercargo.
  • Two - three weeks as a guest of a generous couple, wandering Puget Sound's Olympic National Forest and letting my body adjust to high altitude climbing.
  • Space-A flight from Travis AB to Yokota AB in Japan. Rambles will be guided by circumstance, when I get there, what I find, who I meet. Possibilities include visiting the U.S. Navy base in Yokosuka, the Gion Matsuri festival in Kyoto, and of course climb to Fuji-san's 3776 meter summit -- hopefully to see the sunrise! Core intent, though, is just renewing my acquaintance, relearning the courtesies and cultural norms of this fascinating culture.
 (For readers who do not waste their time following the artistic antics on Broadway -- "degreenifying" is the youthful Elphaba's wish in Wicked, and an allusion to what a rolling stone does not gather.)