Sunday, September 23, 2018

Off trail to resupply

On the way out in the morning, Rocket let me know that Honcho was rumored to have a casual attitude towards taking other people’s gear, another reason he had moved out of the shuttle last night. I lost nothing, hope that neither of the ladies were victimized!

The Trail a two thousand mile long small town, and it sounds like Honcho has a reputation problem. That is bad news for someone who is trying to live up here more or less permanently.

Southbound along the shore of a small river, I encountered a northbound daypacker who asked me if I had seen the turnoff for Jones Falls? Funny, I was just about to ask the same question … we agreed that whichever of us had missed it, the turn must be poorly marked.

Fortunately for me, it was he who missed the sign!

Jones Falls

Limping over Buck Mountain and down thru an overgrown meadow for a final few miles, I decided that I should demote myself back to Seven Mile Snail. I still get there.

Rocket was at the hostel ahead of me with a bungee strap I had dropped. The ladies, though, had not left camp when he did. I hope they enjoyed a happy day on the Trail!

Buck Mountain meadow

Usual end of week treat, provided by a young couple still busily painting and tiling their new store as the served ice cream and french press coffee (gratis, they were trying out a new grinder!).

Sweet Dreams Banana Split w/ baklava ice cream

Then northbound, with a zero day to restock and reenergize.


  1. Baklava ice cream??? What is this madness??? (sounds awesome, but I think you pick up some Experiments in Icecreamery from your grandson!)

  2. The goddess at the counter cheerily inquired whether I would like the banana split made with vanilla, or (seductively lowering her gaze) baklava, OR -- three compatible flavors? We spent several minutes trying out possibilities, but the baklava ice cream was in a class of its own.

    Glad to hear that the grandson is following the obsession (responsibly, of course. No one should try to eat ice cream while driving.)
