Thursday, July 13, 2017

Out of the wilderness

And then it was time to close the circle, to hike down the mountain and leave this wonderful wilderness behind.

On Mary's advice, we took the lower "Horses Only" trail back to the parking lot rather than the less well maintained "Hikers" trail. That seemed a good choice! Given the number of washed out trail sections leaning over open slopes that, if much shorter than the ones we had already traversed, were still considerable enough to make our final hike interesting. 

Could a horse and rider actually manage that trail? Possibly so, but given the option I would walk instead.

Everyone took time in the parking lot to clean up and change into fresh clothing. On the way out, we stopped in to visit Prairie City's Eclipse Store, chat with the proprietors, and share the excitement and anticipation of those magic two-plus minutes on August 21.

We ate lunch together with the last of the local crew members and said goodbye.

Back to Boise. Keith and Kirsten fly back to Virginia tomorrow, and I will head northwest.

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