Sunday, August 13, 2017

California, motorvated

The family week I enjoyed in California finished up with a day trip to let my grandchildren experience thousand year old redwoods that are taller than the Statue of Liberty. Out of concern for the long drive time and the summer crowds, our hosts chose the "middle size" giants at Big Basin State Forest rather that the bigger ones at Sequoia National Park. Photos follow.

In conversation over an amazing dessert experience with Katie and Brian at a Korean tea house, I praised them for successfully managing life and in high intensity metropolises, and thanked them for sharing some of the exotic enjoyments rarely available outside these places. Korean walnut tea, for example. Who knew?  The same applies for Tess and Will, who have led me to sushiritas, poke, and liquid nitrogen cooled ice cream!

More than enough time wading through Friday rush hour on several freeways as I headed east today. The Ion is pointing East now, looking to cross the Mississippi on or about the 23d and headed for the barn.

The Seal Rock at Morro Bay. Sounded like sea lions, though

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