Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Time out to regroup

Ruminating while I topped off on water this morning, 4 and a half liters to make it to the next known water source. Another hiker pointed out the "emergency" spring in the Superfund area, saying that everyone drinks from it, high metal content or not.

The advantage of memories from 25 years ago is that we know what time filtered water can do to your health and we don't want to go back and do that again. So we take the time to filter, we skip the sites that were polluted fifty years ago, we avoid the shelter where a hiker was killed by a falling branch.  

All that's a disadvantage, though, as things change. The water we are looking at might be clean, the trees may all be trimmed (they were, actually). A person without those memories can forge ahead with life, drink, save time, and enjoy more. No reason to weigh yourself down with extra water, there's more at Stempa Springs.

This would have given me a good step-off point to get by the Superfund site, if I had found it. 

Have I mentioned the full facial spidersilk treatments?

After I went by the GPS location twice, I surrendered to my limits; time to go off in replan. Trail shuttle operator John Stempa responded eagerly to my call, and offered some space in his garage. Time to step off trail and reset.

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